Davis Vantage Pro 2 model 6152.

It got me baffled why the AU and EU version need to be so expensive, all what is different is the frequency.

The frequency will be interesting as NextG sits in the range area of the AU and EU version. NextG is the “competitor” of GSM.

I run a VP1 since 2002 without a problem, I know the ISS board has a bug but that does not worry me to much. It is a wireless, I like to go VP2 with solar and uv but cannot justify the price difference.

I am hinting towards the US version but I am not brave enough as yet, I might do it one day just to protest against the price difference. Honest it is almost double the price here than it is in the US, why???

My station is based in Dayboro (www. dayboro.info or www.lyndhurst-hill.info) that is in QLD if you are in the area feel free to drop in for a cuppa and I show you how things can work (and do not work :-)).