webcam location and aiming?

Just got my Logitech Quickcam for Notebooks Pro and verified it works with my weather PC. Now I have to figure out where to mount it. The PC is against an inside wall. The window in that room is on the SE side of the house (which faces NE), gets lots of morning sun, pretty much all it sees is sky and the neighbor’s house so that’s out.

I suspect that mounting it under the eaves would be best height-wise. Each side has a peak that the camera could be mounted under. The SE peak could be reached with two or three active USB cables. On the other sides I’d probably be better off with a USB/CAT5 extender.

In looking at various weather cams out there I see varying amounts of ground/buildings/trees. Is there a preferred orientation I should be looking for? Any direction I choose is going to have neighbor’s houses unless I point it straight down :lol: . Obviously I need to avoid nearby windows and yards.

Do you have a camera?

Take a picture from each place you think you might like the webcam and compare.

Mine is where it is because it was easiest… nearest window to the computer.