Trend graph wrong?

My trend graphic seems to be calculating the 24 hour temperature difference incorrectly… it shows a 20+ degree F temp change in the “Last 24 hour” category… the actual number should be plus or minus maybe 2 degrees…

I have a friend who is running WD and his is working fine (Davis VP), but mine is consistently wrong… through the last several versions of WD…

Anybody else seeing strangeness here, or know of a way I could “Reset” this?


I have this same problem for the 24 hour trend. I think 9.84 was ok for me but 9.84c is back off by a factor of 10 again.


The Trend Graph, WD v9.84d (2003/07/14 11:33), is correct for me.

Still getting numbers that are off, by probably a magnitude of 10x for 24 hour and perhaps the ‘last month’ area as well… I know this is working fine for some, perhaps even most, but it is indeed mis-calculating mine every night…

I’m using a Peet Ultimeter… if that makes any difference. I have verified that the trending works fine with the Davis VP… weird!!!

one thing:
you need no gaps in the data
(i will add though a feature to pad out the data if no data logger present after wd starts)

Are gaps produced when I upgrade WD? That is about the only time I turn it off… and that is usually only for a minute every day or two, depending on how busy you are!!

Other than that 1 minute or two minute downtime for the upgrade, I never shut off WD… would that produce the kind of error I am seeing in the 24 hour trend?

Thanks Brian… weird thing is, it seemed to be working fine a month ago or so…