WDL garden wish list (or have I missed something?)

Greetings. I’ve been using WD for just over a year now and have recently added WDL. I’m still playing around with the configurations of WDL to get it right before going on line with it.

One thing I had hoped to do was to convert the tabular data for my garden weather over to a more graphical format with WDL. However I can’t seem to find Gauges, Meters, Dials or Graphs for my garden sensors. Maybe I’ve missed something?

Specifically, I’d like to have a gauges meters & graphs for my additional soil temp senors (SoilTemp2, SoilTemp3, SoilTemp4) and SoilMoisture sensors (1-4). I’d also like to have some gauge, graphs or meters for the following:
Growing Degree Days, Hours of Overnight Frost. I have found the LeafWetness Icon, but a graph, gauge or meter would be good too.


The soil temp sensors are ‘extra sensors’. Have a look at p47 of the Guide to Configuring WDL pdf.


I’m away and can’t test it right now, but I’m not sure that is correct. I think page 47 refers to the Extra Temp/Humidity sensors. On the Davis VP2 there are two different types of remote sensors:

  1. Soil & moisture sensors (Leaf Wetness + soil temp and soil moisture sensors 1-4)
  2. Extra Temp/Hum sensors: (Temp & Humidity sensors only, 1-8)

There is often confusion between the two, soil moisture is not the same as humidity a special sensor is required that is used beneath the soil. I see that there is only one SoilTemp defined (I got an error when I tried to use SoilTemp2). Separately there are tags for Extra1 to Extra8 (p47). Extra1 seems to be NOT equal to SoilTemp. Notice that TempSoil and Extra1-16 are listed separately on page 48. Also notice there is also only one SoilMoisture tag and it only supports a text box (p51)

If I’ve misunderstood, I’ll try some more tests this weekend.
