Is this an error or a wadwamm?

The current month is 6 of 2003 but it shows a zero where the top of the form is showing 34.5 hours.

The yearly total is also not correct.

Can someone else verify if this works on their machine please. The total for the month as well as total for the year are incorrect in the bottom section of the form.

Hi Rupp
Have similar on my stations

BUT the way I understand it is IF you wish to VIEW the month or year totals you SET the numbers to what you wish. :idea:

My monthly/yearly totals are CORRECT on webpage which is where they are seen by visitors.


Your monthly total is NOT zero but 34.5
Your yearly total is NOT 2003 but 779.7

Both as shown at top of sunshine.gif

Leo, If I click on the year to go to a previous year it appears to be working but the total for the current year is incorrect. Did I say the value for this year was zero? The form shows a total for 2003 of 223.5 but the top of the form shows 779.7. Which is correct?
The month at the top and bottom do not agree as well. This is very confusing.