Carter Lake forecast page left sidebar color gone and font changes

Can anyone tell me why the color on the left side bar is gone only on this forecast page?

Got it, thanks!

Maybe it’s just my aging eyes, but I don’t see a color difference in the left sidebar area on your pages.

Would you link to a page that has the color in the area that is missing in the wx2.php page?


Looks like the left side bar background is white on the forecast page instead of the off-white/light gray found on his homepage.


<body style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; background-color:#FFFFFF">

tells the browser to display the background in white

I don’t think that the way you embed your forecast in the template is OK, but i am not sure about that


Thanks for the response guys. The home page listed above has the proper colors in the left sidebar. I figured out that the code mentioned above calling color FFFFFF is being brought in from the forecast.txt file being downloaded from NOAA (the printable forecast) used by the Carter Lake script. That is causing the color and font change. I am not sure how to make it stop doing that as it comes with the forecast info. Any ideas? Maybe a better way to call the forecast script?

Sure, if you just need to mod the advforecast.php script to have the color you’d like… just search for FFFFFF and change it :wink:

Best regards,

Wow, that was easy. Thanks. I wasn’t sure if it was coming from the script or the info in the forecast.txt file. Everything is working now. Thanks again.