Web sites

I am using Carter Lake templates. When my computer went down on Dec. 20th It was looking just like Carters. But when I got my computer back on line the site has changed. Can anyone see what is wrong.
Url is WWW.tehachapi-pass-weather.net/wx.html
Thanks Chuck

Hi Chuck…I’m definitely not an expert but am guessing that the required css files are missing or the reference to them are not there in that file(?).

Hi Bill
None of the files have been changed. The only thing that has changed is WD. Many new ones since dec. 20th.I was thinking that may be something.
Thanks .chuck

Try reloading the css file to the server.


Jack’s right… the CSS files for the website (weather-screen.css and weather-print.css) are missing on your website… you should upload them, then your site will have the correct appearance

Best regards,

Thanks to all of you. That did it. I could not see the forest for the trees.
Thanks again Chuck

Looking good now. :slight_smile: Those 50 degree temps sound good too! :wink:

Yes 50 deg is better than yours. But this is the coldest town near here.
Thanks again Chuck