#2 web site - do I need a #2 site authentication number?

Question is in the title. If I buy another domain, do I need a second authenticator?

The reg number is specific to the registered domain name, so yes I think you will.


The licence is linked to the domain name… You can host multiple WDL’s with a single licence… But that’s probably not within the intent of the licence model and a spank on the tushie thing.

For the loose change WDL costs (don’t know about MML), it’s some nice funky software that i think it is well worth paying for.


It IS paid for - that’s not what I was asking. More simply put if I buy another domain, (which I have) and the s/w is paid for (which it is) do I need a new license number from whomever issues them (not the WDL program registration number) to place on the web page to authenticate it to use the paid-for software. K?

Domain #1 using WDL with authentication # xxxxxxxxx embedded in the page; Domain #2 using WDL does it need authentication # yyyyyyy? embedded in the page or does it use # xxxxxxxxx?

It needs # yyyyyyy, # xxxxxxxxx will only work on the domain it was issued for.

Thank you - that’s what I thought. So I would owe another $25.00?

That would be my understanding, two domains equals two separate uses of the program equals two licences, but you might want to send a pm to softvark who is the author of the program.

OK, will do…thanks.

I’ve replied to lulu836’s PM but I thought I would post my reply here in case it’s of use to others -

The serial number in WDL can only match one domain. A second serial number would have to be used for other domains. Where the data is the same and it’s just a different method of accessing the website, ie mywebsite.com vs www.mywebsite.com, then I’ll generate a second serial for free. If it’s a different website completely, with a different look, or different data, then another licence is required.
