Hummidity very low ---------> gives very high humidity


I have a small trouble, not with WD…; Today the humidity is very very low here in geneva probably less than 20% very rare here in geneva, but sudenly the value switch to 95%… I’m using a WS2200.

Has anyone ever had this trouble with very low % of humidity???

What can I do???

I’m sure it is not a trouble of WD as I got two sensors (they both have the same problem) , and the value is the same on the station and on the pc via WD!!! But both sensor didn’t show this trouble on the time…

Very strange!!!

Thanks for your help…

:roll: :roll: :roll:

I’m just speculating as I’m not familiar with your weather station, but quite a few of the consumer type stations have a low humidity limit in the 20-25% range… I suppose it is possible that if the actual humidity goes below the range of the weather station that it might cause a strange reading like you’re seeing. May be worth checking the specifications in the manual to see if 20-25% is the bottom of the range.