Rolling 24hr rainfall total

We have just had a very wet night, with 6mm before and 11mm after midnight, a total of 17mm. This is quite a lot for us here in the soft South of Blighty!. Taken separately, they are average! Is there a way of having a rolling 24 hr rainfall total, and having a Record High for it? My WS2300 displays a 24 hr rolling total, but does WD read it in?
Cheers, Andy E.

You can put a custom tag on the WD main screen that will show the 24hr rain total.

are you still interested in a always last 24 hour rain total?
i can add a custom tag for that :slight_smile:

it wuld be good to have that on the main screen also, in the rain area, in-between today’s rain and yesterday’s rain.

huh, i missed it first time I looked, but there is already a 24 hour rain total tag:
i will make the rain today a toggle if clicked on the main screen to toggle to last 24 hours