Data Upload Frequency

If I upload to CWOP or WUN every 5 minutes, is the data that is uploaded the value at the specific moment of the upload, or is it the the extreme of that last 5 minutes ? For example if we had a 40 knot wind gust during the last 5 minutes but it was only doing 25knots when the data goes to CWOP / WUN does the 40 knot gust ever get to CWOP or WUN etc ? Same for my clientraw.txt that I upload for MML.

I’m just trying to work out how often I should be upload my data.

I’m not entirely sure about Weather Underground as the gusts seem to be recorded inconsistently there, but with CWOP, the data would be recorded as winds of 25 kts gusting to 40. Properly submitted, CWOP data will show the current wind speed along with the peak gust in the past ten minutes. All other data is current. Optimally, CWOP would like to have data at 5 minute intervals whenever possible.

Thanks for that info Gary.

I’m currently upload to CWOP and WUN every 5 minutes, and my clientraw every minute.

As a sidenote I notice that on Mesomaps the gust information isn’t used unfortunately, I have tried using m CWOP station and WD station, but there is no gust info on either. That is what got me thinking about this.

MML does extract the gust info from both CWOP and WD stations. Due to screen space limitations we have to choose a single wind value to display, so we’ve opted for the averaged speed rather than gust speed. I think the average is probably a fairer indicator of current conditions. For example, I’ve had a peak gust of 35mph today with an average gust of around 20mph and an average speed of 15mph. Showing the wind speed as 35mph would give a very misleading view of current conditions here. The way to solve this is to add gust speed to the display…but that would mean cramming more data into the already fairly crowded side panel. Perhaps we’ll add the data when most of the world has upgraded to 25" LCD monitors :wink:

I understand that it would be better to have the Average as a single wind value rather than gusts, but it would be better to have both, then you would get the full picture.

What about this … too cramped ? Perhaps it is too cramped, but just a suggestion for you to think about. It fits in my little 15 inch screen :slight_smile:

Before I used Mesomaps I used the CWOP Applet here, which gave me the gust speed, seems a shame to have to miss out on that one bit of info moving to Mesomaps, even though Mesomaps is a million times better (and prettier too !)


Julian is the expert on the side-bar, but when we recently wanted to change the way some info was provided by adding an extra line to the top of that panel he commented that it wasn’t easy to do due to lack of space. We found another way to do what we wanted so didn’t take this any further. I’m no expert on Flash programming, so Julian would need to explain the technical issues involved.

No problems at all. I’m sure it not as easy as just doing some cutting and pasting in photoshop as I did, but if there was a way in the future somehow, it would be great too see :slight_smile:


I’ll add it to the wish list!