Delaying Weather-Display start up with wdstartdelay.exe

Some users have found it helpful to delay the start of Weather-Display on systems which load many programs at startup. The full Weather-Display download package includes the wdstartdelay.exe program to do this.

This is how to set it up:

Check that the wdstartdelay.exe program is in your Weather-Display directory (default is c:\wdisplay).

In Weather-Display, on the Setup menu set “Start when windows starts” to “No (default)”.

Shut down Weather-Display.

The default delay time is set to 5 seconds, this can make it hard to catch the setup screen unless you are an experienced gamer so I recommend this next step:

Using the Windows Start > Search locate the wdstartdelay.ini file and open it (Notepad). It should look like this:


Change the delay number to 30 (we’ll set the actual delay later) and save/close the file.

Start the wdstartdelay program by (double) clicking on wdstartdelay.exe.

wdstartelay will start in the taskbar,

Click to maximize and this window will open:

Set the desired time delay using the up/down buttons and check the “Start with Windows” box.

Close this window by clicking on the X button.

Reboot the computer.

wdstartdelay will show in the taskbar, and after the delay time Weather-Display will start.

Please post any questions related to this FAQ in this thread

Thanks to forum member Mary for testing this out.