Making available Live web cam on your web site

the way i do it, see here (click on live web cam link):
you could do
the window that opens up is:
and the link to open that window as a pop up is:
here for live web cam image

(thanks to Carterlake)
now, to make that data available, the actual image is soruced straight from my PC, via the HTTP server built into WD’s web cam capture program (see in the file save section)
set that going
and then the port that is in use (e.g use the default)
you will need to set to be allowed through your router and firewall and with the router, you need to set up virtual HTTP server, with that port number in use
the other thing you will need is the IP address of your PC, and the filename of the web cam image (which needs to be saved in the web files folder), and that gets put in the
mine is :
and i have set up an acount (free) with

and then i use a program called 3D watch to update that dyndns with my current IP address