... and another one in the U.S. - Ohio (near Cincinnati)

I just got my WMR-968 last Friday (no need to worry about what to do over the weeken :)). I got my system relatively smooth running and played around with the WDL a little bit - if you click on the webcam picture you should get the daily video. I have not figure out why it does not always generate the complete video but that’s next…



Welcome, 4 days and it’s on the web, good work :smiley:

I’m not sure why but your WDL page seems very wide, my display is 1280 and it’s off the screen at both sides (I’m using IE).

Thanks for the info - I already recognized that when I tried it from work - but on 1024x768 it looks just right. My resolution here is 1440 x 990 (16:9) but isn’t it supposed to resize automatically to fit everything on the screen?

Of course I will play around some more and then probably leave some more space to the sides…


Hmmm, you’re right, it is perfect on 1024 x 768. I think this is one for Julian to explain :?

Update: It’s fine on my 1280 x 800 laptop, but still off the screen on the desktop.

I think it’s just that you’ve positioned some of the instruments ‘off stage’ in WDL. If you look at your page with the .exe version you’ll see the effect. It just needs a tweak in the config file to get some of the instruments to show in their entirety.


I tried it with the .exe-file and it works fine. Here a screenshot:

The problem seems to be the resizing when the window only gets higher but not wider - you should be able to try that with any configuration.


Your configuration is definitely too wide. The WDL version text at the bottom right of the screen is pretty much at the right hand edge of the screen - your cloud height, for example, is well off stage. When you are viewing WDL on some screen resolutions that show the whole stage that is purely luck! :slight_smile:


Excuse my ignorance - but whenever I resize the browser (IE 6.x) windows, the gauges, the text etc. get realigned and sized to fit the screen - but I have to have a specific width:height ration so it will fit.

The WDL…exe shows everything perfectly fine (see screenshot in my previous posting). What would you recommend as maximum for width and height? Is the realignment handled by the flash player or by your routines? and if the layout is too large, why does it fit on any screen resolution when a specific aspect ration is chosen?


I think the aspect ratio is a factor too, maybe something like the vertical pixel count is driving the resizing.

Yep - but normally I would expect the software to resize it to fit the screen - no matter if I change only witdth, height or both. I think there is a bug in the window resizing function.


There are no screen resize functions within WDL - all resizing is done by Flash and/or the browser. The stage area of WDL is 550x400 pixels as per the documentation. If you place objects outside that area the results will be variable as you’ve discovered. My advice would be to make sure that you place all objects within that area, if you specify pixels as the size in the html then you should make them a multiple of 550x400 or if you use percentages then keep the height and width the same.

If you do anything else you can expect inconsistent results due to browser size, screen resolution, aspect ratio etc etc.
