I want to purchase

i think my method of measureing the windspeed is better than anything on the market, but i am not sure how it would go in a windows system (I run a DOS program to gather my raw data, which is then sent to the windows PC…
i have a hall effect sensor in a maximum anenometer…(linear RPM to windspeed)
which has a 4 pole magnet,…
and so thats 2 pulses per revolution, which pulls in a reed relay in a activating coil…(wired, not wireless)…

i count how many pulses in a 1 second interval, but I have 2 counters working, 0.5 seconds apart, so I get a windspeed reading every 0.5 seconds.
I also measure the time taken between each pulse, and then work out the windspeed for if that pulse speed were to continue for the whole second, and so you then get the instantenous speed …and this is sampled 30 times a second, which will be just fast enough at 80 knots…and this can give readings as much as 10 knots higher in real gusty conditions (i have tested with a vacuum cleaner in reverse and a reduced down nozzle to give 75 knots,and this number only varied by a few knots so it works)…

you cant beat that system for picking up wind gust…its as good as a generator/voltage measure non digital system (like a munro)