%dewchangelasthour% tag

A %dewchangelasthour% tag would complete my hourly change column on my custom web page. Could that be done on a future version please?
Thanks ! :slight_smile:

ok, next update/revision will have this added

I installed 25p zip and the updated tag reads as 63.6. The actual read on the trends.gif is +0.5

i had a little typo with a - instead of a + in the calculation
i will upload a fresh 10.25p zip soon

It’s better with the 25p zip, but I’ll have wait to see what it does. It may still be off a bit. Both my webtags and the trends.gif are updated at the same time. Thanks ! Please see below:



The %dewchangelasthour% tag is performing well…except for one little minor thing (yeah I know…being nit-pickey :wink:). There is no “+” sign for positive values. Thanks for adding this tag. :slight_smile:

Hi Windy!
Is it possible to have this tag show a plus (+) sign for positive values ? The negative values show a minus (-) sign o.k…
Thanks !

ok, no problemo
next update/revision will have that

Works great using 26t…Thanks! :smiley: