Linux Server Windows Clients

I have Weather Display working on my LINUX server (FC2 Kernel 2.6.x) and would like to use Weather Display as a server on this machine. I down-loaded copies of client and loaded them onto the windows machines. I can’t seem to get the client to contact the server on my LAN. When I try and get the server setup the system refuses to let server run and I get a message labeled error 13. I have the server in Weather Display set to Any ideas?

note wd will try and send a mulitcast tcp string out on the port and ip address you set, and so you will have to let linux let that throguh ok (permissions, etc)
the other way is to set the linux verison to create the clientraw.txt file, and then the client viewer can be set to read in that file from , if you cam, a mapped directory on the linux verison, or use the http download from say a server location on the linux pc…as an idea

I must be missing something on setting permissions. I don’t want to use file sharing so the txt file is not an option at this time. I am not familiar with using the ip called for so where do I set up permissions? Is this done in /sbin/route add?


Solved the problem. First, I had set the port to 333, it should be 1033. Since the ip,, is not an ip on my lan I needed to define it using routes as a host. I also opened the ip to my local network using iptables. On the windows machines I found out that I needed to restart the client software after making changes to the port number which by default is 333 and must be changed to 1033.

well done :slight_smile:

I wonder how to change the ip-adress from to my internal net in this program ?


-mats :-}