Ws 2000 time bar


Brian, looks like the ws 2000 time bar is missing 2 hours the day, I saw this the last days with rain, so the reset point (midnight) is moving back to 23:00 at 8.00 am. This is stable, so i don

what it is a variable amount of data arriving at times
what i need to do tio finally fix this is count how much data arrives, in a 10 minute period, then fill in any data missing (from the last known data)
i will try and do that

I have set it to the 3 min intervall, so if you want to know how much data are counted I have to investigate this and restart the pprogram??

3 minutes is the default (and wd forces that anyway)
after 3 years stefan, its about time i perected this!
stand by!

try vers 9.21b

ok, 9.21b testing

ahm, what i got is signed as 9.21a, correct?!