CRONPWS inside wd not working..manual send ok

Now that you say that, right before updating to wd b 60, windows 10 did download and install an update here on my end, too…I had forgotten that…so thanks again…

that forced windows update was a real pain for me
it corrupted my OSX running in virutal box at the time (that will not boot now)

I fixed my virtual box OSX not booting, whew

Excellent news…nice save…

HI Brian,cronpws.exe being flaky again…no data sent for 24 hours…was working like clockwork…blast…wdb60…error log empty…clicking “TEST A DATA SEND” does not execute…executing the cronpws.exe in the WD root directory does send…

no problem here
what interval do you have WD set to update it?

15 min interval…windows 10 home…

are you sure you are still using the new update of WD?
try downloading again
the change I made was that the executable path to the .exe file was not a full path…it is now

well…that zip you directed me to worked great…and then stopped…should I try the latest zip or full install? I appreciate your help as always…Terry


No luck, Brian…neither zip or full version worked…again, when I click the test data send…nothing happens…too weird…any other thoughts?..all other modules working well…

what shows in the sentpwsdata.txt when you click on test

only shows last successful send from yesterday…it looks like its not invoking cronpws.exe again…

what happens when you double click, to run,the cronpws program

sends successfully

try setting say a 5 minute interval in WD to send maybe? as a test

I suspect its related to a windows update
try another .zip update, where I have changed how the execute function works in WD for this .exe
(it seems that what used to work on older windows versions does not know on the latest windows version)


OK Brian…latest zip (19 nov)…working again…thanks…what a pain for you…

that proves its related to a windows up and how .exe files are launched etc