Data-problems after several flawless years.

Yesterday I suddenly lost all data and configuration in WD 10.37R319. My configuration has run flawless for several years.
WD was blank without any data also after restart. I started reconfiguration and got it all running again but with som serious flaws (also after restarts):

All historic records gone
30days and historic data gone on WDL-uploades.
Frozen timeline om WD’s mainscreen
Despite date-time is correct on server and all data in received correct from my WMR200 on left part of WD-mainscreen the right part (graphs&timeline) stopped 01:00 last nigt.
My reconfig. was done yesterday evning and Im shure the 30days history then was present in WDL. I think something crashed 01:00 last night
Sun curve is (probably) moving ok on the fixed timeline.
I upload

But my historic data is present&intact. I can go back to january 2016 in View/Data Log file.
Leftclick in mainscreed/select 72hours graph shows only data 1 days back
webfiles/clientraw.txt size=1kB clientrawdaily=2kB clientrawhour=3kB clientrawextra=4kB

Where to start? - what do do?

you could hopefully have a back up of the settings files in the databack up folder
i.e copy the wdisplay.ini from that to where WD is installed (when WD is not running)
also the data files you can copy across from there too

also that is an old version, make sure to use the latest

Thank you Brian.
Did so and resolved the timeline problem. Alltime highs also appeared ok.
I got though 2 error.msgs: c:/wdisplay/wmr100.exe and c:/wdisplay/usb.dll could not be replaced due to Error code 5 “No access”. I ignored and continued the installastion.
I corrected Raindata manually (year to date, this month, and last two days).

The 31days (and 7days) graphs is still missing. Do I have to wait or could they be recovered? The 72hour graph will shurely build up.
Year-to-date and this month records are quite similar and totally off.

“My data log” file go back to jan2016 but I can see correct raindata (and prob. temp&wind) back to jun2014 in “Temp/wind/rain trend-diagram” in view-panel.
I also see that the local file: datafiles/last31daysdatavp2.inf (2965kB) is updating every minute


that error simply occurs when those programs are still running when you are doing the full install

you can recreate the data files from the logfiles:
as long as the logfile is OK
action, convert WD logfiiles to data files, then click on convert then click on recreate last 31 days data file

I followed your procedure apparently without immidiate success.
But suddenly next day the 31day curves was uploaded. Strange.
And then later they disappeared again. Strange.
I have to say that as my rain-gauge broke I had to manually update rain-amouns (via ctrl-panel>Temp/air-press/percipiation).
That should normally not influence on the recreate/convert procedure.
Atleast it told me that my data is present (whitch I already knew).

which version/build of WD?

Newly downloaded and installed 10.37S57.

if you could .zip and email me your WD logfile for this and last month
and I will check/test

zip-file sent to [email protected] thursday 5okt 17:13 Norwegin time.

this is where the problem is
in this months log file
2 10 2017 11 10 14.8 86 12.5 996.0 7.1 7.6 276 0.0 0.0 0.0 903.1 14.8
2 10 2017 11 10 14.8 86 12.5 996.0 7.8 9.1 285 0.0 27.6 47.0 907.5 14.8
2 10 2017 11 11 14.8 86 12.5 996.0 7.9 8.7 261 0.0 27.6 47.0 907.5 14.8
2 10 2017 11 11 14.8 86 12.5 996.0 7.6 10.7 287 0.0 0.0 0.0 903.1 14.8
2 10 2017 11 12 14.8 85 12.3 996.0 8.0 10.7 254 0.0 0.0 0.0 903.1 14.8
2 10 2017 11 12 14.8 85 12.3 996.0 8.2 8.5 241 0.0 27.6 47.0 907.5 14.8
2 10 2017 11 13 14.8 85 12.3 996.0 8.0 6.8 254 0.0 27.6 47.0 907.5 14.8
2 10 2017 11 13 14.8 85 12.3 996.0 8.1 6.6 243 0.0 0.0 0.0 903.1 14.8
2 10 2017 11 14 14.9 85 12.4 996.0 6.6 8.5 256 0.0 27.6 47.0 907.5 14.9
2 10 2017 11 14 14.9 85 12.4 996.0 6.9 8.5 272 0.0 0.0 0.0 903.1 14.9
2 10 2017 11 15 14.8 84 12.1 996.0 7.3 11.1 257 0.0 0.0 0.0 903.1 14.8

i.e the daily rain total is going from 0 to 27.6 and then back to zero again
you could load the file in a spread sheet as space delimited and then replace those incorrect values (i.e 27.6 to 0) and then save and then re do the convert log to graph and recreate last 31 days data file

I have looked on the log-file and it is a lot of wrong data.
This is only possible if each data-colomn could be placed in its own excel-colomn and corrected with fill-down.
I did not succeed in setting excel up like this, just almost >> a lot of data is shown as dates.
or all data appeares in colomn A.
This is not very important as I have my own excel-sheet with data back several years.
I’m just curious if this really is correctable.
Is it posible to import colomn after colomn in excel with correct data-format?
And: Is it possible, after correcting, to export data from colomn to space-separated values?

as long as you correct that bad data in the logfile, how you do that does not matter