Testtags upload issues

And noted earlier, I unticked that.

Yet still none of the METAR tags in the testtag is populating.

Here is that latest portion of Testtags.php as of 13:34 (local time)

$downloadedmetar1cloud = “%downloadedmetar1cloud%”; // Cloud Conditions or Weather from Metar
$downloadedmetar1dewp = “%downloadedmetar1dewp%”; // Dew Point Reading from Metar
$downloadedmetar1dironly = “%downloadedmetar1dironly%”; // Shows Direction in Letter (1st 10 Metars only)
$downloadedmetar1dironlydeg = “%downloadedmetar1dironlydeg%”; // Shows Direction in Degrees.(1st 10 Metars only)
$downloadedmetar1extrasky = “%downloadedmetar1extrasky%”; // Sky Conditions from Metar
$downloadedmetar1humi = “%downloadedmetar1humi%”; // Humidity Reading from Metar
$downloadedmetar1location = “%downloadedmetar1location%”; // Metar Name and Time Stamp
$downloadedmetar1name = “%downloadedmetar1name%”; // Just the Metar Name. (1st 10 Metars only)
$downloadedmetar1press = “%downloadedmetar1press%”; // Barometer Reading from Metar
$downloadedmetar1rainlasthour = “%downloadedmetar1rainlasthour%”; // Rain in the Last Hour (if its available) from Metar
$downloadedmetar1sky = “%downloadedmetar1sky%”; // More Sky Conditions from Metar
$downloadedmetar1temp = “%downloadedmetar1temp%”; // Temperature reading in Degrees from Metar
$downloadedmetar1tempcelsius = “%downloadedmetar1tempcelsius%”; // Temperature reading in Celsius from Metar
$downloadedmetar1time = “%downloadedmetar1time%”; // Just the Time of Update.(1st 10 Metars only) from Metar
$downloadedmetar1vis = “%downloadedmetar1vis%”; // Visibility from Metar
$downloadedmetar1wind = “%downloadedmetar1wind%”; // Wind readings (speed and direction) from Metar
$downloadedmetar1windonly = “%downloadedmetar1windonly%”; // Shows just the Wind Speed only (1st 10 Metars only) from Metar
$downloadedmetarrainlasthour = “0.00”; // Rain in the last hour from the main from Metar
$inputdailyweather = “—”; // The text you enter for current weather conditions
$weathercondinput = “—”; // Text you have entered under input daily weather for weather conditions now
$weatherreport = “mostly cloudy”; // Current Weather Conditions from selected Metar