WxSim Results Update

Hi Tom,
Regards our email content recently, being I was 0.1c over/under on forecast vs Actual which happens a lot.

Thought it would be worth showing you the following:

Australia Bureau of Meterology:
Today they Forecast 26c for Franklin (my town) with their new MetEye Forecast still in Beta mode since 2011 :slight_smile:

WU Forecast:
Today they Forecast 32c for Franklin (my town)

Today we Forecast with WxSim 29c and thus far max is 29c

Great Stuff,

UPDATE: actual ended up 29.3c :x

Thatโ€™s not bad especially when we had a high of 14.4c 2 days ago, after a high of 31.2c (2) two days prior to that.