Average Wind Direction Tags Reported Incorrectly With No Wind

Currently my Davis anemometer is disconnected and needs replacing. Subsequently all my wind speed and direction sensor readings are zero as expected, with the exception of %avdir10minute% and %maxavgdirectionletter% tags which report 7-degrees and NNE respectively. I thought this was worth raising as it is not often that there is no wind for an extended period of time giving me the opportunity to observe this unexpected behavior.

with a disconnected anenometer, the davis console sends a windspeed value that is out of range (e.g as if there is a temporary data loss)
and so WD ignores it (and the wind direction), and so uses the last good value it receives

Thanks for the update which I see is a good point. However, this is inconsistent with other tags as shown below from my current weather report:

Wind Direction
Current 0