minor item

I had to change my email address because I am getting 100 spam mails a day. I think a family member signed up for a contest and then added me as an extra entry. I conclude that because we are getting the same glut of crap. So I changed it. Centurylink has an email filter but put on another filter to put everything into the spam folder. they said that way they would be able to slowly identify who is sending the spam from the never ending change of addresses. I am guessing the IP addresses. So… here we are.

Some of the spam topics were obvious, strange, but the mail that pertained to weather, which I would jump to, were not there. Heh, Heh, Heh…

Summer seems to have arrived in Iowa. We have abundant rain, and now getting some sunlight, heat and all those wonderful things that stir up the atmosphere and produce “interesting” weather.