WD rainfall units

Perhaps an obvious (or stupid) question about single event rainfall units.

WD 10.37S45, Davis Vantage Pro2. During a single rainfall, what time period is WD exporting?

It appears that the Vantage Pro2 displays in/hr during a single rainfall. What units does WD expect and export in clientraw.txt? (in/hr or in/min) I don’t see a tick box in WD settings to toggle this setting.

Please excuse the naivete of this question but I live in a northern plains desert in Northwest Wyoming. Our annual rainfall ranges from a low of about 4 in. to a high of about 8 in, so I don’t have many opportunities to see a heavy rainfall.



there are both in the clientraw
(the per hour is just the per min *60)
you can though set WD to use the Davis console rain rate instead of its own calculated rain rate