Tide Graph Image Generation Offset

WD Ver 10.37S45

The tidegraph.bmp is occasionally generated with a +1hr offset compared to the expected tide high/low times.

At 06:04 my tidegraph.bmp is generated with the correct times where runtide.bat has the following content as configured:

wxtide32 -bmp "C:\wdisplay\tidegraph.bmp"

At 13:50 my tidegraph.bmp is generated with a +1hr offset where runtide.bat has the following content not as expected:

wxtide32 -htoff 01:00 -ltoff 01:00 -bmp "C:\wdisplay\tidegraph.bmp"

i.e. WD is invoking wxtide32.exe with high/low tide offset of +1hr, I don’t know if I have witnessed all the possible WD times that this has executed.

My ‘Tide Prediction’ configuration has the ‘Time Adjust’ option set as ‘Leave as is’, however, not so long ago I had this set to ‘Increase by 1 hour’. Maybe this is a hang-over from this previous setting I had configured. I don’t know what the impact of this observation is, if you press the ‘Update tidegraph.bmp’ button between the different times identified above, then the output is different. I noticed this effect because I am executing the runtide.bat hourly to update the tidegraph.bmp that I have stuck to my WD dashboard - see http://discourse.weather-watch.com/t/63880.

Maybe I didn’t explain the key issue of this bug, which is, WD generates the tide graph image with a 1hr offset at different times of the day even though no offset is configured while at another part of the day there is no offset. WD modifies runtide.bat with +1hr and +0hr offsets at different times of the day, see my previous post for more info.