Internet Problems

Having a hard time getting my Weather Report email sent and my web server updated.

I’ve turned the Main Internet Switch under Control Panel/FTP Connections METAR NOAA/Connections on. The left side of the switch is blue.

My web server and mail server reside on the same machine as Weather Display and I’ve specified the address as with the correct ftp username and password. I have also ticked that I have a permanent connection.

On the Upload screen, I have selected every 5 minutes. If I select Upload All Now, the button turns blue for a few seconds. If I check the FTP Log, I don’t see any entry related to the ftp upload and nothing is received on my web server.

If I click on the Action/Update Internet Now button, the button turns blue and my web server is updated with 15 files.

Under Control Panel/FTP Connections METAR NOAA/Email, I’ve selected to send a weather report every hour between 7am and 10pm, every day of the week. I’ve put my email address in, put in the IP address of the mail server (same machine) and put in the username and password. The switch to the left of the email address list is blue. When I hit test, the button briefly turns blue but nothing happens. When I check my mail server log, no connection attempt is ever made. I would think with a wrong username or password, I would at least see the connection attempt.

Keep in mind that these are exactly the same settings I’m using on my Windows box. I’ve copied everything over verbatim.

Any ideas? It’s almost as if I’ve missed a switch somewhere to enable internet access but the fact I can use the Action/Update Internet Files Now button seems strange.

I haven’t yet registered but after dismissing the initial popup, I am no longer nagged. Could this be causing the issue?

Further information:

I’m able to run crontftp and cronemail from a terminal without any problems. Site is updated and I receive my email.

I’ve tried deleting wdisplayftpreal.ini with no change.

It looks to me as if the cron jobs aren’t being run.

is WD getting live data OK from the weather station?
for ftp to web site, best is to use the customise internet and file creation setup (and set the times to send and times to upload for each file needed and set the override switch on the switch on in the create times and upload times)
any errors under view, program event log?

Yes, with the exception of the peak wind speed by the looks of it. You were going to look into that.

This is all I have under View/Program Event Log:

Custom file does not exist /Users/steve/Documents/wdisplay/webfiles/testtags.txt
Custom file does not exist /Users/steve/Documents/wdisplay/webfiles/testtags.txt
Custom file does not exist /Users/steve/Documents/wdisplay/webfiles/testtags.txt
Resetting warmest day values 06:00:35 03/27/2017

Are there any background tasks that should be running that trigger the cron processes?

Tried starting in a Terminal window and the only thing I see is a row of Q’s. No error messages or anything else.