Auto Windows Start Not Working

I have done the obvious and made sure that the "Launch when Windows Starts in Setup is set to Yes/Reset, but I now always have to do a manual start.

I might have an idea why this is not happening but I need help to change a setting somewhere.

When I had to rebuild my WD I kept the original regedit and ini files but I added the program to my data partition D:/wdisplay/ rather than the original C:/wdisplay/ as this had far more space available. Apart from this query all seems to be running fine again.

I am using Windows 10 and WD 1037S42.

Brian has a video showing how to use Windows Task Scheduler to auto start up WD, that’s the best solution for the latest versions of windows.

Actually, the easiest way is this

Goto the WD folder, create a shortcut to WD, open

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp

Move the shortcut to the above folder, that it, retsart if ya like to check it, works for both my WD setups

The above, is for all users, if you want to set it for specific users then use this file path changing [Username] for the username

C:\Users[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

My thanks to niko for pointing out the YouTube videos which I will view at some point. Bashy has reminded me of the Start-up system which I am now using - something I used many years ago in my Win 3.1 days but had forgotten about.

I was having the same problem with Win10 - Weather Display is in task manager startup and checked in WDisplay options, but would never start on its own.
I just tried adding the wdisplay shortcut to the startup folder.
Worked like a charm!
Now WDisplay starts before I even have to enter a windows password or PIN. Awesome!

Thank you!

Does it start in Administrator mode?

1brian has me running wdstartdely.exe instead of weaterdisplay.exe I currently have it set at 75 seconds delay as Win 10 in some update was not initializing the comport right away and wd would not down load the data logger and hang there. I also run wdwatch.exe as weatherdisplay some times stops responding or crashes and it resets it.