Steel tooltip image missing

Hi Wim, only just noticed that i have the image from the tool tip missing
Actually the whole tool tip was missing but i managed to get that to show
been through many a file to see whats what to no avail, i cannot even get
to see where the image should be locate cause as soon as i move the mouse
over the image placement it disappears cause im moving it off the gauge :confused:

any advice please?

Tooltips are dynamically added at the bottom of your html. Use “right click => inspect” and scroll to the bottom of elements. This is one of the tips

<div id="imgtip0" class="ddimgtooltip" style="background: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: black; border: 2px ridge darkblue; left: 392px; top: 248px; display: none;">
  <div class="tipinfo" id="imgtip0_txt">Outside Temperature - Lowest: 9.1

Hi, this is line 227

// GD function thinks.

The only line i edited in that file is


That was the line that got the tool tip working ok except for the image in the tooltip

When editing some characters are inserted BEFORE < ?php on the first line
That is what the error message tells us. The line 277 is in the drawing script that wants to draw but there is already some text sent to the browser so it can not draw

As I can not look into those files on your server you have to check yourself.

  1. Is there any character or empty line before <?php on the first line
  2. Is there any text after the ?> on line 138 as the error message says line 277 and min my version the last line is 138
