How to restore a flatlined graph on the mainscreen?


I have tried restoring the graph looking at search results but to no avail.
How exactely does one do this?


Is there a way to edit spacing between the words Humidity and solar?
Used color for solar isn’t right either. Where to edit that.


if you edit the logfile with correct data , then convert the WD logfile to data file, then that will correct
I notice that you have the wind direction graph too wide
you can edit that, via the customisation, under setup, advanced/misc, main screen customisation
then enable customisation there and then set to make that not so wide using mouse left button and shift/ctrl key
then make sure to save your changes back in the setup,misc setup

I see.
Logfile is not good.
Data is the same in the logfile from 07:21 untill 15:01 (2 periods with different same data)

I want to use [Action][Extract Data from Davis VP Data Logger]
Then set the time from 07:21

I see 3 options there. (10.37R B81)

Restart my own custom logfile
Appends weatherdisplay’s log/graph files
Restart weatherdisplay’s log/graph files

Can I do this, will it replace the logfiles data from 07:21 onwards.
Which option should I check.

All good now.

Extracted from 07:21

The logfile had new data at the end.
Removed the old corrupted data from 07:21 in between.
Converted logfile, recreated graphfile [View]{Graph History}.

I have looked at the winddirection graph resizing.
Is it a problem that it is too wide, according to you?

re wind direction graph, it just means you cant line up the data as easily?