WXSIM "EWN-style"

I’ve a problem about transltaion from english to italian.
I’ve tried many settings but teh problem persists.
I’m using PHP 5.6.3
Below is reported a part of config.php
Have you any ideas
Thanks in advance

$wxsimlocation = "Genova Molassana"; # Your location $latitude = 44.46; $longitude = 8.97; $tzabb = "Europe/Rome"; $datestyle = "d.m.Y"; $timeFormat = "d.m.Y H:i"; # Timeformat $updatehrs = array(3,5,8,11,14,17,20); # Hours when wxsim runs $updateminute = 47; # minutes past full hour for upload time $jqueryload = true; # Should we load JQuery? (Set to false if your site loads it by default) $bootstrapload = true; # Should we load Bootstrap? (Set to false if your site loads it by default) $mainwidth = "100%"; // Use 100% for responsivity

$path_to_langfiles = “lang/”;
$path_to_lastret = “lastret.txt”;
$path_to_dataphp = “./wxsim/”;
$path_to_js = “…/wxsim/js/”;
$path_to_css = “…/wxsim/css/”;

$wxsimversion = 2017.03; # internal version

this is the link of the page; http://www.meteo-molassana.info/wxtest1/wxsim/forecast.php
