Forecast Highs too High and Lows too Low

Tom, my forecast highs have been too high vs. the actuals and the forecast lows have been too low vs. the actual temperatures. This is for multiple forecasts during the 24 hour day. Is there a adjustment which can be made to bring the forecast closer to the actual temps.? If so, where would such an adjustment be made? :?

Running 2016, Build 1.2



Hi Jeff, a couple of questions: are you using WXSIM-Lite, and/or the learned bias corrections? If you are using the latter, can you send me cor.txt and correc.txt?




Yes I’m using WXSIM-Lite and learned bias corrections. Files are on the way.

Thank you.


Hi Jeff,

Got them - thanks. Email reply sent.


Thanks Tom,

Set my WxSim Lite bias correction back to 70% target. Actual is now 67.1%. Will await your analysis to see what the optimum bias setting in Atlanta is.

Appreciate your quick response. :smiley:

Best regards,
