ObserverIP consolewd rpi3

Curious, the “raw rain” reads 70.9?

Station name =My station
Daily rain startup= 0.0
start up month rain found=8.6<-
Monthly rain startup= 8.6
wunderground username =
wunderground password =
wunderground utc =-5
Dir offset= 0
Barooffset= 0.0
Comport is USB to serial
Davis com method d
Yes Revb Davis VP
Davis rain gauge .01 inch
mysql username =
mysql server =
mysql databasename =
mysql tablename =
Will do mysql metric
mysql time interval = 300
cwop station id =
cwop call sign = -1 // -1 is default (you do not have a Ham call si
cwop latitude=
cwop longitude=
FTP server =
FTP username =
FTP port = 21
FTPremote dir =
Will do ftp passive
remote file =
FTP time interval = 60
wu =Y
Will save logfile
Will create custom file
Custom file name = wx.html
Custom file name 2=
Custom file name 3=
Custom file name 4=
Custom file name 5=
wind units = mph
baro metric= N
rain metric= N
Will run cron files
will update custom log
Custom log out = customlogout.txt
temp offset raw = <
wmr300 channel =1
utc hour=3
local hour=22
Weather Display vers WD_console_12.6
If use this program,then please consider sending a PayPal donation to [email protected] (Brian Hamilton)
to help with costs, and support, thanks!
running cronmeteobridge
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain70.9
Current data : Temperature= 18.9 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =1.6 Direction =0 Humidity=69 Barometer=30.0 Daily Rain=0.0
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain70.9
Current data : Temperature= 18.9 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =1.6 Direction =0 Humidity=69 Barometer=30.0 Daily Rain=0.0
**** doing minute routines now 22:55:00
**** updating clientraw extra files
**** updating data logs
re creating the main logfile 22017
updating records to ini file
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain70.9
Current data : Temperature= 18.9 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =1.6 Direction =0 Humidity=69 Barometer=30.0 Daily Rain=0.0
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain70.9
Current data : Temperature= 18.9 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =1.6 Direction =0 Humidity=69 Barometer=30.0 Daily Rain=0.0
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain70.9
Current data : Temperature= 18.9 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =1.6 Direction =0 Humidity=69 Barometer=30.0 Daily Rain=0.0
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain70.9
Current data : Temperature= 18.9 Windspeed =0.0 Gustspeed =1.6 Direction =0 Humidity=69 Barometer=30.0 Daily Rain=0.0
running cronmeteobridge
raw rain70.9