Info install weather display on ubuntu 16.10 LTS

Hello everyone, I can not install weather display on ubuntu 10.16 LTS. I tried to do all the steps from the terminal and gives me this error, but without any results “./WeatherD: File or directory does not exist.” I checked into the weather DISPLAY folder, but the file exists. Can someone help me? Thank you.

its likely that you have a 64 bit distro
but WD linux is 32 bit
will only run on a 32 bit distro

Yes, I’ve a 64bit, then I’m screwed?There are not other solutions?

if you install 32 bit distro instead it will work

However weather display for Linux is unreliable. You can not do the download of the logger data of my weather station.

I have success running it on 14.04 64 bit.

What weather loggers have people used successfully with WD under Ubuntu?
I have the Fine Offset WH1081 and it’s the last thing that ties me to my ageing WinXP laptop!

Same challenge, same error message. Software Ubuntu/LXLE 16.04.2, 32bit. Station is almost the same : WH1080.

So far tied to Win, but I dedicated an unused Asus Eeeeeee netbook with solid state disk for the purpose.

Check the /usr/lib/ if it contains the files from the wdisplay/deploy/ directory. I’ve copied mine manually and it works fine (Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit).
What do you have in the ? Try to run with this script instead. It exports the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

BTW, it is reliable to run on SSD? I have an Asus EEE myself with a classic HDD but would like to replace. It runs Win10.

I am trying to get WD to work on my Ubuntu 64bit box, but the install falls at the first hurdle.

When I do ./ it returns this:
./WeatherD: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

So that’s that then.

see your other thread about this for more info

I have a new version of WD linux , for 64 bit distro, see the download page :wink: