Erratic Reports from consolewd on R-PI with WMII ttyUSB0

I’m trying to migrate from Weather Display, for a Davis WMII on an old Win98 pc, to consolewd, on a Raspberry PI with a USB to serial dongle, and having problems. I would appreciate any ideas on how to fix it.

I’m getting erratic reports. Seems to be mostly with humidity, wind gusts and pressure. It is sometimes correct but takes violent swings. I was thinking it is getting corrupted on the line. I’ve tried adjusting baud rate via stty but it didn’t seem to have any effect. I have the dongle directly connected to the R-PI. I tried using a powered usb hup but the R-PI won’t recognize it on the hub (I’m thinking that is a problem with the hub). The dongle I’m using is “TRENDnet USB to Serial Converter”.

Station is at:

Any ideas?

what pi version?

R-PI Model B, Rev. 2.0, 512MB

is that Raspberry PI 1 or 2 or 3?

I guess that would be a “1” i.e. “Raspberry Pi” not “Raspberry Pi 2”. Sorry I misunderstood.

From it is:

Revision Release Date Model PCB Revision Memory Notes
000e Q4 2012 B 2.0 512 MB (Mfg by Sony)

I moved things over to a newer Raspberry PI (R-PI 2, a little over a year old) that I have and, so far, it looks like the same problem. Do you think I need to get a new serial to USB converter? If so, is there a recommended brand?

I was just wanting to know what raspberry pi version as there are 2 versions of consolewd
one for pie 1 and 2 or pie 3
the problem is likely the data is sometimes getting out of sync
what I will to do is to add in more checks for that happening

Thanks. I’m anxiously awaiting…

Where is the download for the pi 3?

the version for the piIII is only for the piIII vesion
you have a pi II?

That’s a different poster Brian…

ops, missed that
there is a link to the Pi III download here in the linux section of the forum

Thank you.