got a bloom sky, need help, 5G error

ding ding ding
got it to work!
thanks to 19 year old Daughter :slight_smile:
the daughter is like Dad, I entered the WIFI password and clicked on next
I am like what next
an iphone has a next button on the keypad!

there was still the message about 5G under where you enter the password though (and no next button on the screen)

I did have to hold down the wireless reset button for 8 seconds on the bloom sky station though…and go through the setup again… standing next to the bloom sky…so that the bue tooth connection transmit to it the wireless settings

thanks for the hand holding guys :slight_smile:

ps, I cant currently log in to the portal to get my API key…is that down?
i just get
Connecting to BloomSky …
