Video help...

Any chance of a walkthrough help video of setting up idesign simplicity Brian.


what particular problem are you having with setting up the idesign template?

Hello Brian.
No problems but just started looking into this as a possible replacement for WDL. Have not dived into it at all. Looked at a few of your videos and are very helpful.
One for idesign would be great to help people like me.


I think you will find its not all that difficult to setup
if you do not have a FTP program to create a directory for it and upload the files etc you can use the one built into WD…
action, mamage my FTP server
(use a recent versoin of WD as I have made some improvements to that, e.g to create a remote directory and upload all files in a directory)
but otherwise use e.g Filezilla or WS_FTP

then edit the settings file to point to where your clientraw.txt file is and upload that and the other files and directories

give it a try and where you get stuck is where I know what to make sure to include in a video
I do have a video for setting up the steel gauges…check that out, as its similar in a way