Which is the best way to reset all data from WD

Hi guys,
recently i’m transferred from Carmignano (Po) to Pistoia (PT) (Italy) and i would delete all data (and configuration) from wd.
I’m thinking to rename actual wdisplay folder and create the new one with a fresh installation of WD…but what about registration code?
Please, let me know which could it be the best way to restart WD in other location with no data in it.
Best regards,


you could reset all the all time records, via action, set/reset all time records
and then you would need to set/reset the daily/monthly/year rain totals
under control panel. offsets and initial rain

then , when WD is not running, delete the logfiles and data files folders

Seen as ya want to start from scratch including settings, i would say it would be easier to uninstall WD (might need another code to reinstall) as that
should clean out the registry, but, any and all customisations done in WD will be gone, including any changes to the main screen etc (you can backup
the main screen though, on another thread)
Then delete WD folder
Then reinstall

Thanks to all for your support.
I’ve done a fresh installation of WD (with another Reg code, thanks to Brian!)…but it seems that few settings are imported from old installation (for example Tab “General FTP Functions”, “WAP” and “Connections”.
Is it possible?



you would need to delete the windows registry entry (wdisplayftp.ini)

I beleive that can be done from the Actions menu, at the bottom? does that do all registry or just the internet side of things Brian?

using that will reset/delete the WD internet settings
(restart WD after)