Full Moon Date

The moon phase dates are all off by 1 day.

Last full moon was August 18 and WD shows it being August 17.

Any suggestions on how to fix that ?

Thanks !

No suggestions ?

have you set your lat/long correctly , in the sun moon rise/setup ?

Yes I have. Everything else appears correct in that section.

I will do some checking/testing when I get a chance
strange others have not mentioned it

Hi Brian, I also see the date of August 17th. Never noticed it before, not sure if it is just this month that is off by the one day or if it carries through other months. Also, I am using an older version of WD so whatever it is may have been there for while now and just never noticed by anyone before now.

Please also see my thread about %fullmoon% returning the date of the full moon after the new moon rather than the next full moon.