Webcam Video question **Fixed**

check under control panel, web cam, all day video (new setup) that do not have anything ticked in the upload settings

Create and upload were checked In that area. I unchecked them.

I’ve been using videolastday.wmv and videolasthour.wmv for years. Did the file name change? Or am I good now since I unchecked 20160803dayvideo.wmv from creating and uploading?

What would cause my videolastday.wmv to stop recording after the first hour?

Not sure if you missed my question a few days ago Brian.

This file 20160811dayvideo.wmv Is still being uploaded even though I unchecked everything in the “new setup” tab 3 days ago.

Fixed this issue.

But my video lasthour and lastday are now not being uploaded since I unchecked the settings for this file 20160811dayvideo.wmv


its very confusing information what you have posted
really need a summary of the issues you are having

My video lasthour and lastday are now not updating and uploaded ever since I unchecked this file… 20160811dayvideo.wmv from being created and uploaded.

Attached is a screenshot of the settings that I haven’t touched in years showing them being created and uploaded, but there not.

If you need any other screenshots, let me know.



you need to be using the new all day video setup now
(that has been a requirement for a couple of years now)
I have a you tube video covering the web cam and movie maker setup

Thanks Brian. I finally got around to using the new setup and everything is working again.

I thought everything was working right, but it’s not. My hourly video isnt creating and updating and I cant seem to figure that out. I posted a screenshot of my settings.

try selecting the directory for the time stamped files
which is currently only set to \

also what shows in the moviemakerlog.txt?

I made the changes to the directory. But that didn’t fix the problem. The videolastday Is fine, its just the videolasthour that wont create and upload. My settings are posted In my previous post, I haven’t changed those other than the directory setting that you recommended. Attached Is my movie maker log for you too look at.

moviemakerlog.txt (44.9 KB)

Have you had a chance to look at this Brian?


the moviemaker log file you posted shows no problems
***Can do convert.

#2824.5: Output #0, asf, to ‘C:\wdisplay\alldayvideo\videolasthour.wmv’:

it shows that file is being created OK, and lists the time stamped files used

Strange… I can’t seem to get it to upload.

Since it being created, do you know why it’s not being uploaded?

The hourly video is created on the 03 minute and the daily video is created on the 07 minute.
Your setup screen capture above shows both uploading at 4 minutes past the hour.
Try changing the upload times for the videos to hourly at 6 minute past hour, and the daily at 12 minute past hour.

Thanks Gus… Changing the upload times did the trick.

Good to hear you have it working.