New up and coming weather station, 'Weather Flow'

same here, more than happy to add compatibiiity to my template, I already have NetAtmo, I think it is still the only template that has that.

One more thing, I always wished there was a station that would also have optional air quality sensors. I did find some, but they are always just separate sensors, sold only for that purpose and not possible to connect to any PWS. It would be really nice if some PWS could have that too and so report the data along with all the other ones in one data package. I was thinking about things like CO2, aerosols, NO2 etc. For example, for me, I live in a big city, lot of electrical railroads here and electric cables, so lightning detector is useless due to interference. On the other hand, air quality and emissions is something I would be very interested in.

Something like this, but built into a station, or compatible with one: