Add a specific time of day offset

Hi Brian, Would it be possible to add a time of day offset to the extra temp offsets please,
i.e. similar to what you did with the solar fudge offset but add it to on of the extra temp (namely #1 for me)
a starting time and an ending time?

At present you have it so you can set offsets for the extra temps, what would be ideal would be to…

set start time and end time
a box to increase percentange of extra temp #1 to work between the times set

Would this be possible?

That way this should then add to the raw data without the need to reprogram for the suns raw data

Does this make sense to you? would it be possible please?

Hi Brian, have you had any thoughts on this idea please?

Would be great to be able to increase the raw data, that way the w/m2, solar hours and kwh would all match

At present, the way its setup, as you know, its only the solar output that has the fudge, this only increases
the solar for the current cloud conditions, nothing else.

To add the fudge and a time to and from to the extra temp # that i use for the solar in a jar would cure this as that
is adjusting the raw data.

Hi Brian, dont want to sound pushy but i also dont want the thread to fall away.

The reason its important to me is because i have solar panels at this property, so a more accurate w/m2 reading
would be advantageous when using appliances in the house etc. during the fudge offset times i am losing about 50% of sunshine data
compared to the max amount for time of day, in sunshine hours and w/m2 generated