WD - TFA Nexus vs Windows 10 problems

I wonder i’ve there are more people having problems with this configurations… i’m back to w7 because of some strange problems i got with w10 and my TFA Nexus and WD.

  1. TFA usb losing connection after 24 hours, replug and it’s working again
  2. WD and w10 … it looks like some cronejobs are not working of not correct. back to w7 and everything is working fine.

There has been a couple of reports of problems with the windows 10 usb driver and the Irox USB
I think there was a resolution but I can’t remember off hand

the other problem you have could be a permissions problem?

this weekend i will seach for the update problems. and for the driver problems? is there a download?

does it loose the usb connection at a certain time?
one person I know had that happen at 8am with windows 10

Yep straight after 24 hours at 8am …

it must be something that windows 10 does at 8am…as there is nothing pecular that WD does at that time
you could set in WD to restart just after 8am

it’s a option… so gonna try this

you can set that in the reboot settings in the FTP/internet setup (setting windows to reboot might be needed instead of just restarting WD (as you say you need to unplug and then re plugin in the usb plug to get data to work again)