"Error 5 in wxmain" Back (for me)


My 7:00AM Auto-run forecast crapped out with a “Error 5 in wxmain”. I changed the GFS data source from Bohler to McMahon to temporarily correct the situation. The last time I had this problem, I was not running WxSimLite so the Bohler to McMahon solution was sufficient. This time I am trying to implement WxSimLite so I would like to know what I should do.




It appears an error has occurred with the gfs data we receive from Bohler for the 06z run at 174 hour mark?


I received the same error when wxsim reached the 174 hour mark. FWIW



I had the same error - I switched back to McMahon GFS in WXSIMATE and that did solve the problem - so I think Bohler GFS has some problems.

Best regards,

Same here switched to Mc Mahon


Same error since 12h forecast. Switching to McMahon did not solve the problem.
Switching to other download sites , no difference.

Do I have to delete gfs files from latest (wrong) run ?

edit: deleted gfs files (see att) runs oke again !


All good now.

I had it also few days ago and now again.
Hope something can be done to resolve it.

Bet regards,
Oebel Reitsma

Assen, the Netherlands


It appears again to be an error with the gfs data we receive from Bohler for the 12z run at +48 hour mark.



Same here , NaN’s in 20160122 12z



For the first time has come the error :?

The error disappears :smiley:

I get bad GFS data from the McMohan site, where it says tomorrow will be 46

Some weird figures for the McMahon gfsdat0dt=2016-01-22-12.txt


Wow, that’s strange that McMahon was bad, too! I wonder if there’s an underlying issue with the GFS data. I’ll check into this!


Well, both McMahon and Bohler (including WXSIM-Lite data) just worked fine for me here, using 12Z data for today. Anyone still seeing problems?



The 12Z download for both Bohler and McMahon failed yesterday. Once the 18Z data was available, both resources were working correctly again.


Just talked with, Sam, who, while we were on the phone, re-downloaded the 12Z data from yesterday and processed it, and the error is now gone! We’re thinking it was actual, bad data from NOAA’s server, and they must have caught it or heard about it and fixed it since. Very rare! I will still look into ways to do more quality control. This is actually the only time we’ve ever seen this. The other errors we’ve have have been mainly from failure of a file to download, rather than actual bad data in a successfully downloaded file.



An error appears within the gfs data we receive from Bohler for today’s 12z run at +36 hour mark.

Fcast_hr, prmsl, apcp, tcdc, wspd, wdir, hgt1000, hgt500, tmp950, tmp925, tmp900, tmp850, tmp800, tmp750, tmp700, rh950, rh925, rh900, rh850, rh800, rh750, rh700, rh500, rh300


in Bohler lite a NAN Error in +36

…and also in McMahon for 12z today:


Same here,

+33,16.0,14.5,6.6,7.1,0.0,1006.2,276.6,14.4,22.5,49.6,5753.9,0.00, +36,-280.3,NaN,0.0,93.6,100.0,0.0,0.5,-273.2,31324.0,218.5,-5.6,20804.95, +39,26.1,11.7,7.9,35.1,0.9,1004.0,276.6,14.7,32.0,24.4,5737.1,0.00,