Looking for testers for the new Mac version :)

I have found some code that works for getting those times
will get a new update uploaded and let you know

In the more recent versions I have noticed that the minimum temperatures are not updating as you can see in the screen grab the temp is
31.3 but the min shown is 32.2 out temp went down below 30 degrees at 6AM but that is not reflected in the min temp .

the temperature looks very straight line…are you sure its updating correctly?

new update ready re the moon stuff

Hi Brian the new moon tags look great. :wink: Thank again. http://southwestweather.com/wx/wxastronomy.php


Screen Shot 2015-10-24 at 6.15.25 PM.png

Big thanks from me too. Not only for this issue but for every issue and for everything you do. You do a great job Brian - so many OS and stations keeping it all together.

GOOD job !!!

thats good news
just to note that the next new moon time is not correct…the calculations I had for the moon phase times did not have that one
I tried to fudge by setting the month ahead…but it seems to skip ahead to the next one

The graphs update correctly for me until the temp goes below 32 then it stays at 32 until the temp rises again. #-o

Thank you from me as well your support is fantastic.



check the minimum temp threshold
in the offsets…thresholds…it might be set at zero?

Thank Brian
you were correct not sure why they had reset but they were at 0

Great support thank you my error :oops:


I have the solar+UV working now on the windows version for the WH3081
so should be able to get that working on the Mac version

@mdheron, try the latest update re the WH3081 solar+uv

I’ve installed the latest update. I will let you know how it goes in the morning

I have a WH3081 here now so will be able to get this to work :slight_smile:


I’ve noticed that my Last Year to Date rain is reading zero - is there a way to rebuild this or could there be an issue?
Many thanks

I have it working now :slight_smile:
use the latest update, ready in a few minutes

@vk2him: how do you mean by last year to date rain?
is that via a custom tag, or?

that new WD mac version ready now…re WH3081…

Brian - re Last year rain to date - yes it seems to be missing from testtags this is what my testtags.php is showing

$raintodateyearago = ‘0.0’; // Rain to date from last year

Many thanks for your support - much appreciated!

Have had the new update running for 24hrs now and solar + UV are running ok

make sure you have the trends.gif set to update, to get that data updated