Version 3 of Detail / Summary addon pages for WD-AJAX-PHP-USA

Are you sure you are not confusing the snow detail report with the snow depth report?
When looking at your snow depth reports, data is only shown for today (from testtags data) and for December 2010. Snow Depth data is not shown for other times because of the climatedata.html template you are using. If you look at the climatedataout122010.html ( and compare it to the climatedataout files for other months (, you will notice that the Snow Depth column is missing.

I just looked at your climatedataout files again and I think I know what happened. You appear to have recently recreated your climatedataout reports to add the new humidity columns. But the climatedataout122010.html does not have the humidity columns. I suspect you used the climatedataoutsolaruv.html template when recreating the climatedataout files instead of the climatedataoutsolaruvdepth.html template which is why the snow depth columns disappeared from the recreated files.

Your snow detail reports looked okay to me when using Firefox 24.

Hi Murry,

I have attached several screen shots. The first capture snow detail the second capture1 is snow depth. Capture has no 0.0 entries and capture1 has no data at all. I have snow data back to 2005. capture3 is the same as capture after I shut down Firefox and restarted it. Very strange like I said I have snow data back several years. I’m not sure what’s going on.

Thanks for your help.



I just looked at your climatedataout files again and I think I know what happened. You appear to have recently recreated your climatedataout reports to add the new humidity columns. But the climatedataout122010.html does not have the humidity columns. I suspect you used the climatedataoutsolaruv.html template when recreating the climatedataout files instead of the climatedataoutsolaruvdepth.html template which is why the snow depth columns disappeared from the recreated files.

It looks like my snow depth data is messed up how in the world will I fix this.



Copy the climatedatasolaruvdepth.html template in the download zip into the webfiles subdirectory of Weather Display and rename to climatedata.html. Then recreate and upload the climatedataout files for the necessary months.

You have probably already tried this but just in case, try rebooting your computer.

Hi Murry,

Copy the climatedatasolaruvdepth.html template in the download zip into the webfiles subdirectory of Weather Display and rename to climatedata.html. Then recreate and upload the climatedataout files for the necessary months.

Thanks I have started the process, I messed this one up but I should be able to get all of the reports back. Thanks for your help.


Hi Murry,

That didn’t take long, I’m back in business :oops: :oops:

Thanks for your help and don’t rush into 8.1 it has some issues.


Hi Murry :),
i’ve installed latest version of your script.
I’ve noticed that there ins’t any data on the Humidity tab.
It’s very strange because i’ve all weather data loaded on my webserver.
Any ideas?
Here is my page:
Thanks in advance,


Hi Alessandro,
You need to update your climatedata.html template as your climatedataout files do not include the required humidity data.

Copy the climatedata.html included in the detail/summary/season download zip to the webfiles folder of Weather Display. Recreate and upload for the months needed.

Many thanks,


Hi All,
I build from the beginning my website, because after the hacker attack I could not fix it. I’m gonna use an earlier version of this excellent script. Now I try to run the latest edition of the script. I encountered the problem that I can not solve alone.
All the necessary files are in the root directory.
I made all the necessary settings.
But in the end there is an error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_noaa_filename () in /wxtempdetail.php on line 302
I have not found such a problem in the forum.
Does anyone have any idea?


The get_noaa_filename function is in the wxreportinclude.php file. Make sure you are using the current version of that file.

Thank you Murry :wink:
It was a stupid mistake. I forgot to upload the file to the server :wink:
Thank you for your help.
I am really happy that this wonderful script work again on my website.


Hi Andretti,
It looks like you also need to upload the wxreports.css as the current version contains updates for the winddirection scripts.

Rightly. I use the old one. I was hoping to reclaim my language translation into Polish.
Therefore, I combine old scripts with the new :slight_smile:
It’s probably a bad idea, if I am not a specialist in PHP.
But now I think it’s worth I do from the beginning.


Is there a reason why you don’t use the built-in translation available in the Saratoga templates?
You can just add ?show_missing at the end of the url ( and then view the source code. Any missing translations will be listed at the end.

<!-- missing langlookup entries for lang=pl 
langlookup|Home Page|Home Page|
langlookup|Local Weather Exchange Stations|Local Weather Exchange Stations|
langlookup|Weather outlook|Weather outlook|
langlookup|Trends, Sun/Moon, Earthquakes|Trends, Sun/Moon, Earthquakes|
langlookup|Station Records|Station Records|
langlookup|Station Journal|Station Journal|
langlookup|Recent Weather Summary|Recent Weather Summary|
langlookup|Summary This Month|Summary This Month|
langlookup|Summary Year over Year|Summary Year over Year|
langlookup|NOAA reports|NOAA reports|
langlookup|Nearby METAR Reports|Nearby METAR Reports|
langlookup|Status of weather software|Status of weather software|
langlookup|ASM Andretti - Zabrze Helenka|ASM Andretti - Zabrze Helenka|
langlookup|Temperature Reports|Temperature Reports|
langlookup|Report for|Report for|
langlookup|Data last updated|Data last updated|
langlookup|Other Years|Other Years|
langlookup|Monthly Summary|Monthly Summary|
langlookup|Daily Detail|Daily Detail|
langlookup|Seasonal Summary|Seasonal Summary|
langlookup|Wind Run|Wind Run|
langlookup|Degree Days|Degree Days|
langlookup|Barometric Pressure|Barometric Pressure|
langlookup|Sunshine Hours|Sunshine Hours|
langlookup|Max Solar|Max Solar|
langlookup|Solar kWh|Solar kWh|
langlookup|Wet Bulb|Wet Bulb|
langlookup|Soil Temp|Soil Temp|
langlookup|Wind Direction|Wind Direction|
langlookup|Script Developed by|Script Developed by|
langlookup|* denotes incomplete data for the month/year.|* denotes incomplete data for the month/year.|
langlookup|Avg High|Avg High|
langlookup|Avg Low|Avg Low|
langlookup|Color Key|Color Key|

Add that to the language-pl.txt (or whatever language file you are using).
The first column is always langlookup. The second column is the text to be translated (always in English). And then change the third column to what it should say for your language.

That would prevent you from constantly editing scripts when they are updated.

Thanks Murry,
It was very helpful remark. I have not improve the all translation for now.
But I found a little bug, that I was able to improve alone (but I’m not good at that) in your script.
In the file wxtempsummary.php only the first line of the description table was using “langtransstr”. In other descriptions (Date) lacked “langtransstr”.
If you you feel it appropriate, you can improve it in your script.
See screen witch description I have to change.

Another thing which interested me.
In the file wxwindsummary.php description indicates that the wind speed is in mph.
In fact, these values are in km / h.
Please, how can I change this?


Thanks for reporting the Date translation problem on the temp scripts. It will be corrected later today.

In the settings section of the three wind scripts, change the setting for

$wind_unit = "mph";      # Set to mph, kmh, kts, or m/s


I have uploaded the latest version of the script including the new wxreports.css but for some reason the wxwinddirectiondetail.php page isn’t working. It shows the direction but the box is white instead of highlighted in the different colours and the text isn’t centered like your example page shows. The page can be viewed at: Please could you take a look and let me know what I have done wrong.


It looks okay to me. Try refreshing your browser.