Weather Display Not downloading Data After Upgrading To Windows 10

I also have the same problem. Have a clean Win 10 install, and have tried with 2 different Davis ip modules. WD receives ca 8-12 data set before it stop responding ( WD not responding) have used 292 and 293.
It worked fine in Win 8.1 until now.
just to note, that this thread was in reference to an Irox station

you say you have a Davis station with IP data logger?

that works here on windows 10

J’ai exactement le m

which version/build of WD?


does build 81 work ?
was build 290 working before your updated to windows 10?

I had a problem to but it was VERY easily fixed, prob different to the poster though, mine was it lost the com port…

To Weather Dispaly: Yes

To Bashy
Comment avez vous fait pour r

note, this is not a station that connects via a com port

is that Yes to build 81 works OK?

what about the question:
was a recent build of WD working OK before the windows 10 update?
and also is just the history data that is the problem (where you have to disconnect then reconnect the USB …does live data work?)

I will do some testing here with my Irox station over the coming days (I have W10)

Merci de me r

OK, so the history download will work if you pull the USB plug then re insert
is this like after a pc reboot?
does a restart of WD help?
question: do you need to do this with build 81 as well?

La r

are you sure it was not a change to the latest version of WD that actually caused the problem?
(and not related to W10)
( I might have caused a problem with the Irox History data when I made some changes recently to the WMR200 history data…I will test this tomorrow)

Biens sur …
Je cherche, mais c’est difficile de voir qui cause les probl

Je viens de faire un essai sur un autre PC Microsoft Surface Pro 3 Windows 10, et j’ai le m

Suite …
J’ai install

I suspect the problem is a very update of WD and not W10
try the latest WD .zip update

J’ai install

Je ne r

I will do some testing here
it is opening the port OK
but looks like its not reading any history dataa