My Site is UP and running

check it out:

Looks good!

There appears to be problems with the wxastronomy (seasons wrong dates) and wxquake (blank) pages.
There have been updates to those files recently.

The wxabout page needs to be updated from the default Springfield data.

You currently have dailynoaareport / climatedataout files on your website for only this month. If you will not be uploading the dailynoaareport and climatedataout files for previous months/years, you should edit lines 31-32 of the wxreport-settings.php file to show the start year as 2015 instead of 2008.

$first_year_of_noaadata = "2008";  # First year of dailynoaareport data that is available
$first_year_of_climatedata = "2008";  # WD only -- First year of climatedataout data that is available

If you want the humidity detail/summary scripts to display the humidity values, you will need to update your climatedata.html template. Replace the current one that is in the webfiles folder of WD with the climatedata.html file that is included with download and recreate the climatedataout files for the months/years needed.

Is there something wrong with your anemometer? Your highest daily average wind speed all month has been 0.3 mph.

“Updated: @ 30-Nov-1999 7:00pm - updated 17 sec ago”

This is on several pages. Why was the last update in 1999 ?

Also the the Davis display is all garbaged up… might want to check on that.

Great start, few little kinks to sort out but plenty of users to help you with that :smiley:

this is via the WD Mac version to note
and so some moon stuff will be missing

Thanks folks

Yeah I know some things don’t quite work

But most of it is up and running

I think it overall looks pretty good :slight_smile:

Btw… I would LOVE to get all my historical data loaded

I have the .txt files from WD from 2005 but not sure how to get them in. I have most of the monthly html files from when I started using the std WD web page in 2009.

Sure be nice to get all the historical data in there. Any thoughts