extra outsite temp into ajax-dashboard6

Hi to you all
I have into the dashboard6 outside temp and I have made a extra option … outside temp ( 10cm)

Only the problem is the outside temp ( 10cm ) will not refresh

If I press refresh I see that the outside temp change color ( green) and the temp is correct
But the outside temp ( 10cm ) is not refresh into green ??

Also if I have open my page for 5min I see that the outside temp is change correct only the outside temp (10cm) is not

What can I do for made this work
So that also the outside temp (10cm ) is refresh with all on the board

This Is my code

You need to write an “ajaxtemp” function in the file ajaxWDwx.js … look at another function in that file for an example code

I have already did that
But it is not working
Here the code : ajaxWDwx3.js
temp = parseFloat(clientraw[ 4]).convertTemp();
temp1 = parseFloat(clientraw[20]).convertTemp();

set_ajax_obs(“ajaxtemp” , temp.toFixed(dp.Temp) + uom.Temp);
set_ajax_obs(“ajaxtemp1” , temp.toFixed(dp.Temp) + uom.Temp);

But if I do this

<?php langtrans('Currently Outside'); ?>:
                            <span class="ajax" id="ajaxtemparrow">
                            <?php echo gen_difference($temperature, strip_units($temperature) - strip_units($tempchangehour), '', 'Warmer %s' . $uomTemp . ' than last hour.', 'Colder %s' . $uomTemp . ' than last hour.');?></span>

                            <strong><span class="ajax" id="ajaxtemp" style="font-size: 38px">
                            <?php echo strip_units($temperature) . $uomTemp; ?>

  <?php langtrans('Currently Outside 10CM'); ?>:
                            <span class="ajax" id="ajaxtemparrow">
                            <?php echo gen_difference($temperature1, strip_units($temperature1) - strip_units($tempchangehour), '', 'Warmer %s' . $uomTemp . ' than last hour.', 'Colder %s' . $uomTemp . ' than last hour.');?></span>

                            <strong><span class="ajax" id="ajaxtemp1" style="font-size: 38px">
                             <?php echo strip_units($temperature1) . $uomTemp;?>

into the ajax-dashboard6.php file it will refresh temp outsite and temp 10cm only now it is all now the temp from the outsite temp and not outside and outside 10cm

sorry but it is for my not so easy to explain

also if I do into the ajaxWDwx3.js

temp = parseFloat(clientraw[20]).convertTemp();
temp1 = parseFloat(clientraw[4]).convertTemp();

now it is all outside temp 10cm
so it is working but not temp outside and temp outside 10cm the same
very strange


First you load the two different temperatures in temp and temp1: that is OK
temp = parseFloat(clientraw[ 4]).convertTemp();
temp1 = parseFloat(clientraw[20]).convertTemp();

Then you have to set the correct temps with set_ajax_obs, ==> not OK: there is a typing error, as both lines use the same variable temp
set_ajax_obs(“ajaxtemp” , temp.toFixed(dp.Temp) + uom.Temp);
set_ajax_obs(“ajaxtemp1” , temp.toFixed(dp.Temp) + uom.Temp);

Should be changed to:
set_ajax_obs(“ajaxtemp” , temp.toFixed(dp.Temp) + uom.Temp);
set_ajax_obs(“ajaxtemp1” , temp1.toFixed(dp.Temp) + uom.Temp);


Sometimes it is so easy :lol:
I really mist the typing error
Now it is working ok !!

thanks for your help
