Web Page File name


For a number of years I have been using a file name called wx for my web page creation. I have that entered on “Web Files Setup #1” tab. I want to change the name wx to index so that the file that gets created is index.html instead of wx.html. I changed the wx to index on the “Web Files Setup#1” tab and also created a file in my webfiles called indexlocal. However, on Item #22 of the Internet Files Creation and Upload section, I still see wxlocal.html and not indexlocal.html. I have gone back to wx in the interim until maybe a suggestion can be made. Thanks!

Running 10.377 R280

I think you are getting confused between local and remote file names?

I need more than that Brian. Is there a document that spells this out in detail? Thanks!

its that you are refering to wxlocal.html
when that is a local file name
which you should not change (if you do then you would need to change that local template file name)
and is not the remote file name, on your web page
(you can actually set the remote file name in the customise internet and file creation setup, #22)

Oh, , so make the remote file name in section 22 “INDEX” and then when wxlocal.html gets created and uploaded, it will rename the file to index.html and upload it rather than uploading wx.html? Do I have that correct?

I changed wx.html to index.html in section 22 but it reverted back to wx.html. It did not stick when I saved it.

make sure to include the file extension though in the setup for file #22
also note that index.html will be the ‘home page’ for your web site…i.e first page seen

Yes Brian, that is my intent. That also seems to have done the trick. Thank you sire.